We are here to create a community, help each other by sharing knowledge and have a good time.
We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
All Film Simulation Recipes need to come with Attached JPEGs photos. Please share SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) no edits/no post processing so we can see the real results. Exposure adjustments are ok if you over or underexposed.
Please include details about how you shoot the Film Profile and let us know what you like about it most :D
Respect each other, no trolls or hating. Keep the conversation polite, if you notice an act of harassment, please report to the Community Admin.
NO ADVERTISMENT, no promotional links to external sites or services. You can post links to your own work as long as it's relevant to the Sony Film Simulation Subject.
Keep posts relevant to the forum topic
Max 3 post per day. No spamming
Have Fun :)
Hello :). A Skin tone test shot on Kodachrome 64 Sony Film Simulation Recipe