Kodak Vision 200T Film Simulation | Asteroid City Look

One of the members asked if there is any way to replicate the Asteroid City Look only by using Sony's Picture Profile Menu.
So I ventured on a walk and started working on it.
Wes Anderson's Asteroid City & the Kodak Vision Film Simulation
We know that Asteroid City was shot on Kodak Film with the help of ARRI System, I still haven't found exactly what Film Stock was used, but judging by Wes Anderson's history it might have been Kodak Vision 200T.
Update - Yep. Asteroid City was shot with the KODAK 35mm VISION3 200T Color Negative Film 5213. A signature look.
Interesting fact.
Asteroid City was shot on film and color graded afterward, so the original film stock has a different color science than how the movies showcases.
This Sony film simulation replicates the look of the movie, not the real film stock.

Here are some sample images of the Asteroid City - Kodak Vision 200T film simulation. It's still in the development stage, but would love to hear what you think so far!
All shots taken with the Sony RX100VI

And there you have it - the Asteroid City simulation. Had a lot of fun creating this one!
Are you curious to experiment with Sony's Picture Profiles? Here's an article that will teach you how to create your own film simulations for Sony.
More sample pictures with the Asteroid City film simulation from my nature hike.

Sony Colors AWB vs Asteroid City film simulation
Shot on Sony RX100 VI
As you can notice, this film simulation will give you quite a unique look, heavily shifted colors, bringing them very close to the Asteroid City film look without any color grading required. I think it's going to be one of my favorites. Let us know what you think! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this new film simulation!
You can get access to all Sony film simulations
by following the link below.
Will this be included on Sony Film Simulation receips? Thanks
would love to see this one posted to the film sims once you are done
Those are some beautiful colors. <3