I started creating short form tutorials for Sony film simulations to explain the basic workflow of these film simulations and make it easier to understand the basics of Sony's picture profiles.
Check out the playlist, leave a comment if you have more questions, I'll keep on updating it with new videos:
I want to buy it, but you only accept credit card as payment.... Sorry... This is a really deal breaker, cause I don't have any credit card. Lost money for you because of missing payment methods. Really sad for you and for me, too. Not the way 2024 works :(
OK thanks for your explanation. I only have a normal bank card, and there is no security code on it, tho I'm not able to buy it.
Customer experience is the keyword and your shop isn't a good experience because of the lack of possibilities to pay with.
I think it's over a decade now, that I have to pay with my bank account or something like this.
BTW I'm from Germany, so maybe in the UK or US everyone has a credit or debit card, but in Germany a lot of people don't have, because they don't really need one to life xD
It's a pity, but thanks anyway.
I life in a Van and travel through Europe since 3 years. I never had a problem like this in any country. Actually I'm in Spain and I'm sure it's the same here. ;)
But it's fine, I mean it's just some work to make some own picture profiles. I never bought any kind of presets or things like this before, so maybe it's a sign that I should work on my own on it. Maybe I sell them with PayPal after I made some (just kidding xD)
I just bought the bundle, but I am a little confused now. In your YouTube videos you mentioned the picture profiles used for the recipes, but in the documents I don't see them mentioned. Or am I missing something?