I've tried shooting with Porta 400 tonight, 06/21/23 at around 8pm. Take a look at these two shots. The first one of the male was shot at 4000k, A 5.5 - G 0.5. It looked super blue and figured it was because of the time of day, so, for the second shot, I changed the color temp to 6800 but did not change the color filter. I didn't have my cheat sheet so I changed it on the fly. Do either of these two resemble what Porta is supposed to look like? Second question, is how are we supposed to use the different color tempurature and folter settings? In what situation do we use each of the options for temp and filter?
Oh, I almost forgot . . . I'm shooting with a Sony a7III and a Sony Zeiss, T FE 35mm 2.8 if that makes a difference. Thanks!

Thanks so much!!! I've gotta get out there and shoot more.
Hei, they both look really nice. If you check Kodak Portra 400 samples online, you will notice it usually is more on the warmer side, with a yellow amber skintones, and blues are very much sifted towards green, so the second shot is a little bit closer, but if you shoot it morning blue hour or nightime in different lighting conditions, it will definitely be closer to the first picture.
I like both and think you did a great job working with the kelvin values on the fly. That's exactly how I would do it.