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Custom Style Brushes

Capture One Style Brushes - Red Halation Effect

Capture One Red Halation Styles and Brushes. In just two clicks, you can create a Natural Red Halation Effect, Blownout Highlights, and Gorgeous Light Leaks to add the final touches of the film look to your shots. 


These Capture One Style Brushes make it super easy to get your digital shots to look like actual film stocks - without spending hours in post-processing. 


What does this Capture One Style Pack include? 


✔️ 1 blown out highlight style brush. 

✔️ 3 light leak style brushes.

✔️12 halation effect style brushes.


Pair them with these Polaroid presets OR these film presets for Capture One to get the look of your favorite film stocks and simplify your workflow to the max.

  • Individual License

    Thanks for your purchase!

    License is lifetime of course, you can use theProduct on any kind of project, and you don't need to credit the artist, unless you want to, and that would be very much appreciated :D

    The license is given for an individual, so sharing these files is not permitted.

    It took a lot of research and work doing these powergrades, and I'm trying to keep the price as affordable as possible for everybody, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and please keep them for yourself.

    If anybody wants to have this product, just redirect them to the website to make a purchase.

    If you want to buy group license , email me and i will make for you a custom price:D. (minimum 5 individual licenses to be able to give you a  offer)

    Thanks for your understanding, and if you come across any issues, just shoot me a message or an email and i'll try to help you out!

  • How To Install Style Brushes?

    To import custom Capture One Style Brushes, all you have to do is:

    1. Download & unzip the file.

    2. Access the Capture One system folder. It should look something like this  - C:\Users\[User_Name]\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\

    3. Select the Style Brushes folder.

    4. Copy the files in it.

    5. Access them under the "Custom Brush Styles" folder in Capture One.

  • How to Use these Capture One custom Style Brushes?

    After you've installed these new style brushes to Capture One Pro, you can check out this video tutorial, where I highlight every setting & the entire flow of the process that you need to follow to alter your image.

    It's pretty simple - you'll set the opacity, flow, and strength of your brush, add the effect in areas of high contrast, and then create a new adjustment layer to smooth out the edges. I use Capture One 21, but it should work fine other versions as well.


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